主题 : 转 艾弗森经典比赛 2007.03.18.掘金Vs太阳
级别: 替补球员
0  发表于: 2009-07-09 22:52

转 艾弗森经典比赛 2007.03.18.掘金Vs太阳

艾弗森44分+15助攻  72.7%命中率

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级别: 小小球童
1  发表于: 2010-10-29 20:15

Indianapolis Colts jerseys a teaching point of only 16 children

school need to ferry round trip and too far away, most students go home for lunch the inconvenience, but to bring their own food .

1974 年 9 months, full-back Nathan Wong temperature plateau,Indianapolis Colts jerseys, the rain induced landslides. Dun Huang under all curled up in the stone walls, rolling stone wrecked his leg bloody ... ...

May of this year, the national outstanding teachers Dun Huang whole, because of advanced liver cancer, fell ill on the podium. He said,Patriots clothes, how eager to once again took to the podium, with the children together for ever ... ...
children to make thin knife Ridge has its own school, the whole yellow London to lead the villagers to cut sticks, folders into a fence, and then paste on the walls made of mud. In this way, 6 pieces of wood propped up a school.
Students came to bedside, reading teacher for the full-text Tun Huang

London all had 5 yellow Recommended for college opportunities, but after parents heard that, asking him to stay, he once time to give up university opportunities. \

1971 年 2 months, the temperature Village ushered in four teaching points, a new teacher, he is full of 18-year-old yellow London.

Village Bodao four groups from Wen Ling, 10 kilometers of mountain road, the weather was good also to go more than 1 hour. From running, chicken crow that he did not have the road at night was dark when the rest settled.
class farming family in a church house, furniture mixed,新闻评论 (23), are moved from their own children's.
advance fees, he could not bear children out of school when the illiteracy

1993 in the spring, the villagers Zhang Zhenjiang's eldest son reached school age,Panthers jerseys, he came to London full of yellow office: \be cushioned, the book still issued to him, let him still on the course, what is more important than their children to school for? \
high mountains,New Orleans Saints Jerseys □ Evening News Lu Yan, he bought a barge for students ferry

run two to teach him a few times brush with death

temperature Village original wooden one transfer student. As disrepair, coupled with too little boatman Xianqian,新闻评论(13), 8 years ago, this wooden halt.

next classroom, he put up a stove, support from the table. Made available for a vegetable plot, planted vegetables. He fed two or three pigs per year,wholesale Redskins jerseys, after the salt into the meat slaughtered. Get up early in the morning, he went to pick up eggs in the hen house. Over the years, he tried every means to improve student food.

to give up salary, he is reluctant to leave the kids
surrounded by mountains the temperature Village, although the mountain well water, but in the nineties, the mountain is very poverty, many families can not afford school fees.

a little girl named Snow Dragon, every day a little bread or noodles. Occasionally bring it over rice with pickles go well with rice. And the students looked at the little girl look pale and thin, yellow is not a taste of all London. Then, he run from the \

Dun Huang village had proposed to all as party secretary, he eventually turned down, he is also reluctant to students, could not bear to three feet of the podium.
1995 and 1997, Zhang Zhenjiang second son and third son again to the temperature Village primary school, still do not pay tuition.
Village Clerk Long Naruhito temperature calculations, Dun Huang full meal to each student received only a dollar a month down, at least to paste into the 300.

1976, Huang transferred all temperature plateau London primary school, students are separated Powder River sides. Special geographical location, making some students always have to cross the river to school.

Metropolis Daily News Reporter cattle River Thai Zouqi She Xinhua correspondent Huang Ying-chu

running the canteen, he asked students to eat hot meals
2002 年 10 months, Dun Huang bought a barge. \
19 days, Gucheng County temperature plateau Central Primary 5 student representatives, holding a mountain of mountain flowers and picking the kids greeting cards, Dun Huang, 57,Steelers jerseys, came to full teacher hospital bed and wish him a speedy recovery and was discharged. Huang is not the first language stream, so moved by his children to hide their condition.
2002 年 9 months, his wife Zou Qingju out all the deposits at home, but only 1,000 yuan.

warm thin knife man named Ling Ping place in 1972, where the teacher is recommended to college, and sometimes the lack of teachers. Ling Huang Bodao London all the people want to teach.

temperature plateau Central Primary School Xuxiao Zhang introduced Dun Huang taught full time early years, he often funded students. His parents say \drop out of school.
Last year, Nathan Wong Hainan all the relatives to help him find a job monthly income of 5,000 yuan, Huang London all declined. Because the village and he said well, back to school after retirement Fanpin, and then teach the children for two years.

2005 年 6 月 12 evening, yellow river in London when the whole sail boating, wind scratch, clouds cover. Heard thunder, torrential rain, wind waves lift the boat bumps up. Dun Huang waving his arms all worked the boat hard to move on, the students eventually to cross the river safely.
students to school will become a problem, or more than a few kilometers around the mountain, or every day you ship transfer. Dun Huang full decision: to buy the ship.
1973 年 6 months of one evening, full-back Nathan Bodao Huang Ling, a sized trees in the thick of his feet he went to the snake. Dun Huang full hurried back, but the soles of the feet slipped and fell 20 meters later, he grabbed a branch, only a narrow escape.

Powder River , South River's largest tributary, from the temperature plateau through the village, meters wide, cross mountain peaks, beautiful scenery. However, it is that the winding river, blocking the mountain the pace of school children.
gum tree on the occasion, the daughter of working in Wuhan, home, took out a nanny she saved 2,000 yuan to his father.

side of the Village people to stay warm, while the people's expectations are thin knife Ling, Huang Dun think the whole decision several times, two teaching points he take up running every other day to teach.
temperature plateau Gucheng County, the village is located deep in the mountains, mountains and water around, smoke curl, barking cock, like a painting.
a teaching point of only 16 children, the youngest 6 years old, the largest yellow London than just the whole small 1 year old.