主题 : 我是如此以你为荣 I'm really proud of this team
级别: 小小球童
0  发表于: 2009-05-08 13:00

我是如此以你为荣 I'm really proud of this team

【clutchfans第二战赛后讨论】我是如此以你为荣 I'm really proud of this team 由 brambly 发表在HoopChina·火箭区畅言版 http://bbs.hoopchina.com/cyb


I know we lost but we played with heart for the entire game. This is the best the Lakers can play and we kept it close until the ejections and cheap shots. Win or lose, I love this squad and proud to be a rocket's fan.

The lakers played dirty. F-Them

Agree. No matter what happens the rest of this series, I am proud of the fight in this team.

Damn proud of them tonight, especially Scola for not backing down. We play with heart tonight.

We lost, but we played legitimately.
This game will fire up the Rockets even more for game 3.

Great effort, stayed till the last 2 minutes.
By Newton's first law, Artest hit Kobe's elbow with his neck, I'm just happy that Refs remember Quantum Mechanics.

I am as well, I'm worried about Von and Artest though. I don't think Artest will be suspended, because an ejection was enough. Von is the guy I am worried about he could have been useful in the 4th and in the 3rd.
Yao Ming needs to dominate Game 3 if we want to win.

Me too. I said in in the game thread, win or lose, I love this team. Through thick or thin. Through wins and loses. Through championships and lottery seasons. Rocket fan for life!

Completely agreed, we played much better than fakers, the fakers just win with the help of referees. Beat fakers at home

Kenny and Barkley seem to feel the same way.
They seem to be on our side (the right side) on all issues.

I'm pretty sure the entire nation outside of LA is on our side and realizes how dirty the fakers are
Winning this series will be so sweet now.

The Rockets never backed down an inch despite all the insanity. The Lakers have no shot at getting away with that nonsense in Houston. Time to take care of business and I know their emotions will be sky high in Toyota Center.

Same here. The team gave their all and did their best to hang in there. Kobe and the Lake people just to good this game. If we keep up the intensity and cut down on their transition points we will have a chance every game.
Only disappointing thing for me this game was Wafer quarreling with Adelman. Hoping for more contribution from him next game.

this series so far is reminding me of the warriors vs mavs first round in 06. remember how the warriors won game 1? but then in game 2 they were so BIASED for dallas and they ejected baron davis and jackson for no good reason at all? and then the warriors won the next 2 games at home and eventually won the series!!!!!!! It will happen folks!!!!!!!!!!!!! rockets in 6!!!!!!!! book your flight to denver

Fakers lose their class and play dirty. Kobe is a liar and will never be a respectable player!
Rockets play hard and physical, but they are far away from dirty. These two road games show us how good this team is.

Win or lose, we are playing like champs.
Go Rockets!

Before this series began, I didn't see any hope for our team.
After the 1st game, I thought Lakers didn't prepare well, and they could still beat us in 5 or 6 games.
But after this game, I see a chance for rox to win this series.
I'm so proud of this team, the heart, the toughness and the hard work.