主题 : 11月30日2007-2008 NBA 常规赛 火箭vs勇士 NBALP/ENG ASF 675.83MB【BT视频下载】
级别: 超级替补
0  发表于: 2007-11-30 20:55

11月30日2007-2008 NBA 常规赛 火箭vs勇士 NBALP/ENG ASF 675.83MB【BT视频下载】

管理提醒: 本帖被 养由基 执行取消加亮操作(2008-07-26)
1) Don’t watch scores from other games if you don’t want spoilers. The scores show up once in awhile and during half-time.
2) If you want a better quality version, wait for one of the other uploaders
3) ALL commercials included. Sorry, I try to get up as many games as possible and don’t have time to do all the proper stuff
4) I seed until there are a few seeders then I leave so the rest of you have a chance to get upload credits
5) I only post when I have time and will usually upload the less popular games. I’ll leave the popular games to proper uploaders
6) SEED, SEED and seed some more. Enjoy the fine NBA Action


Sport: Basketball
Event: NBA Regular Season
Language: English
Ripper: Nacre
Length: 2h 16m
Video: WMV 9 - 400x300 - Aspect ratio 4/3
Audio: WMA 2 - 32kps - 2 channels - 22 KHz
Description:NBA LP


No recap

级别: 小小球童
1  发表于: 2008-07-23 12:33



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