主题 : 坎通纳纪录片(CANTONA - The Complete Collection)英语 DVDRip 1.66G【Mediafire下载】
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0  发表于: 2009-01-25 13:11

坎通纳纪录片(CANTONA - The Complete Collection)英语 DVDRip 1.66G【Mediafire下载】

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DISC1:Au Revoir Cantona - Erica Cantona at Manchester United
He arrived at Old Trafford in 1992 and inspired Manchester united to their first league title in 26 years.
Truly touched by genius, revered by Reds everywhere, Eric Cantona was The King.

Mediafire Links :::


DISC2:Eric The King - Eric Cantona at Manchester United
Eric the King - Cantona reveals the secrets of his success and tells of the glory and controversy that marked his career at Manchester United.

Mediafire Links :::

Eric The King-Part1
Eric The King-Part2
Eric The King-Part3
Eric The King-Part4
Eric The King-Part5
Eric The King-Part6
Eric The King-Part7
Eric The King-Part8

DISC3:Cantona Speaks - Eric Cantona at Manchester United
Eric Cantona speaks in his own words of the lows of Selhurst Park to the heights of the double Double winning season of 1996

Mediafire Links

Cantona Speaks-Part1
Cantona Speaks-Part2
Cantona Speaks-Part3
Cantona Speaks-Part4
Cantona Speaks-Part5
级别: 小小球童
1  发表于: 2009-11-02 08:46
