Manchester United Trophy Parade 2011 MUTV
Video: 640x368 - 1100kbps / Audio: 80kb/s MP3 / Runtime: 3h30mins / Size: 1.75GB
Coverage of United's open top bus parade through the centre of Manchester to Old Trafford and beyond
in a celebration of a fantastic season. We'll be on board with the team for exclusive access.
http://slide.sports.sina.com.cn/g/slide_2_730_11919.html115下载地址(因文件较大,我分割成了2个Rar压缩包,请大家把2个压缩包全部下载完成后再解压缩~~)P.S.上传不易,转帖请完整注明@shilili008 Part 1Part 2