主题 : Maldini reconsiders retirement
级别: 小小球童
0  发表于: 2008-03-07 10:00

Maldini reconsiders retirement

Maldini reconsiders retirement 
Thursday 6 March, 2008

Milan legend Paolo Maldini has sensationally admitted he may reconsider his
retirement at the end of this season.

He turns 40 in the summer and had said repeatedly he would hang up his boots
in 2008, but a resurgence of form and lack of injury worries might make
him change his mind.

“I have a lot of energy left. One must be consistent, but at the same time
only an idiot doesn’t change his mind,” smiled Maldini.

“In these last few months my knees are no longer hurting very much. The
club and fans are pushing me to play for another year.

“I have to admit, three months ago I was in a much worse condition and had
to stay out for five months following surgery. Now I feel better and am
even playing in a role I hadn’t tried for quite a while.”

Due to injury problems throughout the side, Maldini has returned to the left
-back position and performed admirably against the youngsters of Arsenal.

“That was a painful defeat, but it is easier to accept when you have achieved
so much,” he said of the 2-0 Champions League exit.

“I think the fans understood that too. Arsenal deserved to win. They play
beautiful, fast, total football.

“That competition has given me so much. The first trophy was the most exciting
, then the first I lifted as a captain, as it came nine years afterwards.

With this second round elimination, many have urged the Rossoneri to completely
revolutionise the squad.

“I don’t think that’s necessary. We need the right men, going for quality
not quantity. Our past is not so remote, as in the past 12 months we have
won the Champions League, European Super Cup and Club World Cup.

“If we look at what we have achieved over the past 20 years compared to
Arsenal, there is a huge difference.”

Maldini has been at the forefront of that winning era and spent his entire
career with this club.

“I never considered leaving. I was born here in a football sense and never
really thought about a change of scenery.

“In the past there was contact with Chelsea. I was coming off a disappointing
season and asked myself some questions, but at the end I decided to stay

Could the man with the most Italy caps in history come out of international
retirement for Euro 2008?

“No thanks.”
级别: 超级替补
1  发表于: 2008-03-07 14:30
