Football: Netherlands vs. Bulgaria
September 8, 2007
live report of the Euro 2008 qualification match
Title: Football: Netherlands vs. Bulgaria
Date: September 8, 2007
Genre: Sport
Duration: 1 hour, 47 minutes en 47 seconds (first half 54min 44sec; second half 52min 43sec)
Size: 1.36 GB (2 x 698MB)
Audio: 2ch VBR MP3 (first half 133kbps; second half 131kbps)
Language: Dutch
Video: XviD 25 FPS (first half 1638kbps; second half 1709kbps)
Resolution: first half: 560 x 320; second half: 592 x 336
Source: Analog PAL TV-signal (SBS 6)